7 Killed in 158-Vehicle Accident as Super Fog Mists New Orleans.

7 Killed in 158-Vehicle Accident as Super Fog Mists New Orleans.

7 Killed in 158-Vehicle Accident as Super Fog Mists New Orleans.
7 Killed in 158-Vehicle Accident as Super Fog Mists New Orleans.


An accident including no less than 158 vehicles on Highway 55 in Louisiana killed seven individuals and sent more than 25 to the medical clinic Monday morning, state police said. The Public Weather conditions Administration in New Orleans said the region had been impacted by a super fog, made by smoke from rapidly spreading fires blending in with thick haze.

State police said heros were proceeding to look through the accident site, situated in a space called St. John the Baptist Ward, and that it’s conceivable the loss of life would rise. Not shortly after the initial incident, a section of the area caught fire, and authorities also reported that a large vehicle carrying a hazardous material was being unloaded in front of a vulnerable tank or trailer. Images from Monday’s event showed mangled and charred cars piled on top of one another.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards called for petitions and energized occupants in impacted regions to take “intense watchfulness while voyaging” and to give blood. Rep. Troy Carter said he was “crushed” to learn of the occurrence, portraying it as genuinely awful.

Super haze conditions structure when smoke and dampness let out of clammy seething material — like brush, leaves or trees — blends in with cooler, nearly immersed air. It can decrease perceivability to under 10 feet, and “can be extremely risky when present over parkways,” as per the NWS, which added that the peculiarity “has been the reason for a few huge, multivehicle accidents.”

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Schools in the region around the accident declared a deferred opening Tuesday, refering to the haze. On Monday night, the NWS had made an announcement cautioning of thick haze conditions on streets Tuesday morning, which it had said could deteriorate to “close to no ability to see conditions known as superfog.”

At that point, the NWS encouraged drivers to leave early, drive gradually, utilize low-bar headlights and keep additional distance between vehicles — or even defer travel, if conceivable.

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