World top 10 Business Books

This book explores the qualities that distinguish truly exceptional businesses from mediocre ones. Collins claims that "Level 5 Leadership," a collection of characteristics, is essential for log-term excellence.

Good to Great

Good to Great

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This classic self-help book presents 13 success principles based on interviews with some of the most successful people in history.

Think and Grow Rich

The pieces in this collection by journalist John Brooks narrates the tales of some of the most notable commercial triumphs and setbacks of the twentieth century.

Business Adventure

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According to the book, businesses that innovate and make something new, as opposed to simply copying other companies' models, are the most successful.

Zero to One

Zero to One

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It offers a summary of seven guidelines for succeeding in all spheres of life—personal, professional, and social.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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The book offers a useful framework for founding and running startups, highlighting the significance of learning via trial and error and adaptability.

The Lean Startup

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The co-founder of Nike, Phil Knight, describes in his book how he overcome great challenges to become a worldwide athletic gear brand.

Shoe Dog

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In order to illustrate the differences between a rich father and a poor father, the book uses the author's own experience to teach financial literacy and investment ideas.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

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It questions the status quo of work-life balance and offers methods for getting more done with less effort.

The 4-Hour Workweek

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The book reveals the causes of successful businesses' frequent inability to innovate and offers solutions to this problem.

The Innovator's dilemma

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There's a reason these works are all regarded as classics. They provide priceless insights and counsel that can aid in the success of business owners and executives.